Great news if you like a little piano with your dinner: my friend Jack Candy is back at Spano's Restaurant in Point Pleasant, starting next week. Jack's been out of action after an automobile accident some months ago in which he broke his hip. And his recovery has not been uneventful; at one point it was in doubt he'd ever play again. But he's finally well enough to take his rightful place at Spano's piano.
Jack is a tremendously talented musician who has pressed on with his craft in spite of becoming sightless several years ago, and also has had the added challenge of a kidney transplant. Even with the auto accident, none of this has kept Jack down, and the news I got today from his longtime friend Karen Hedden (who, by the way, gave him that kidney) that he'd be back at Spano's was a great emotional lift.
More about Spano's at their website.
The 1 Year Anniversary of Mark's Bad Break
9 hours ago